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Cat Baths 101: Fluffy’s Grooming Needs

Kitties are naturally very clean, which is one of the benefits of having them as pets. While Fido may enjoy rolling in mud puddles and definitely prefers not to take baths, Fluffy may spend as much as a third of…

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How To Groom A Senior Cat 

One of the many wonderful things about our feline buddies is the fact that they are very clean. Fluffy may spend up to a third of her waking time cleaning her fur! As your cat ages, you may notice that…

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Fido’s Year In Review

Happy New Year! As we replace our 2023 calendars with 2024 ones, many people are reflecting back on the past year, and perhaps mulling over personal ups and downs as they set resolutions for the coming year. Our canine pals…

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