Did you adopt a longhaired rabbit, like an Angora, recently? These very fluffy bunnies are very cute and irresistibly cuddly. But, Floppy can’t groom all that fur herself. You’ll have to regularly groom her. Below, a veterinarian provides bunny grooming advice.
Be extremely careful to keep your rabbit clean and dry in the summer. Otherwise, she may develop flystrike. Check her coat and skin every day. Your veterinarian might also recommend a medicine to prevent flystrike. Finally, it’s also extremely important to ensure that your bunny doesn’t get overheated! Make sure she always has shade and fresh water.
A few times a year, your rabbit will molt, or shed her old fur, allowing new fur to grow. Molting is a little more intense than normal shedding. It’s especially critical to groom Floppy during these times. If she swallows her fur, she isn’t able to vomit it back up the way a feline can. Those hairballs are very dangerous—and even life-threatening—and can lead to intestinal blockages. Ask your veterinarian about what symptoms to look for.
When you choose grooming tools, be very selective. Whether you use a mat rake, combs, a slicker brush, or another brush, be careful it doesn’t pull too hard. Rabbits have extremely delicate skin that can easily tear. Always start grooming Floppy with a wide-toothed comb or special mat comb. Then, finish up with a narrow-teethed tool.
Bunnies’ ‘armpits’ and the spots between their legs often mat the most, so you should take some time with these spots. Your veterinarian might recommend clipping or even shaving these problem areas. Ask him for specific advice.
Rabbits should never get a bath. Dirt can be safely washed off if Floppy gets something spilled on her fur. One way is to hold her carefully and, if possible, put just the part or her that’s dirty into lukewarm water in a sink or tub, swishing the water around. Never put your bunny’s head or whole body under water. This is extremely frightening for your furry friend, and she can actually go into shock.
All rabbits react differently to being groomed. Choose a time when your bunny feels relaxed. When you brush Floppy, talk to her softly, offering her treats and praise. Don’t try to groom her in a long session. About 10 or 15 minutes will be enough.
Contact your local animal clinic for more bunny grooming tips!